Your home pleasantly cool
Cooling via Eteck
Does your heating system include the option of space cooling? If so, a fixed or variable rate will be charged for this. You can find this on the tariff sheet. Do you pay a fixed rate for space cooling? In that case, you can cool your home unlimitedly without extra costs. If you pay a variable rate, you will be charged ‘per GJ’ for the cooling.
- Standing charge space cooling
The fixed cost you pay for the option to cool your home. - Delivery of cooling
The amount of cooling supplied by us in gigajoules.
Online insight into charges
Our tariffs are determined at the start of a project in consultation with the project developer, contractor or housing association. Our tariffs are adjusted annually and of course they are always in line with the applicable laws and regulations. You will find your rates on the tariff sheets in MijnEteck (Dutch) and in the Eteck App. The tariff sheets also state how the tariff sheets are indexed.
Aren’t you using MijnEteck (Dutch) or the Eteck App yet? The online customer portal and the app not only provide insight into rates, but also give you access to your invoices and the status of payments, no matter where you are. You can also report malfunctions 24/7, notify us if you are moving and change your details.
Space cooling and air conditioning, what’s the difference?
To cool your home, chilled water circulates through the pipes of your underfloor heating system. If this water is colder than the air in the house, your home is cooled. Thus, cooling your home differs from how air conditioning works. Air conditioning cools the air directly. Our space cooling is called passive cooling. The floor gradually releases cold air, cooling the space. This usually keeps the temperature in the house a few degrees below the outside temperature.

Cooling during high humidity
Occasionally we get very hot and humid days in the Netherlands. On those days, you really want to cool your home. However, in exceptional cases we are not able to maximally cool your home in these circumstances. Let us explain why.
During (very) high humidity, condensation can easily form. Small water droplets will then form on a surface. For instance, if you are drinking a cold beverage on a hot humid day, you will see condensation forming on the outside of the glass. This can also happen to the floor in your home if the floor is colder than the so-called dew point (the point at which airborne water vapor forms into droplets). If condensation forms on the floor, your floor can be damaged and unsafe situations can occur due to slipperiness. We want to prevent this. For this reason, Eteck sometimes deliberately chooses to minimally increase the temperature of the cooling water that flows through the pipes. This ensures a cooled floor, while at the same time preventing condensation.