The convenience of a comfortable home
We get our renewable heat from nearby. We choose local solutions to comfortably heat your home, provide hot water and to cool it, if required. We use renewable sources of heat, such as the sun or a lake. Just around your corner.

A home with Eteck. What do I get?
Through our underground heat network, we supply heat to homes in various ways. We use a variety of techniques for this. The chosen technology depends on the space available, the condition of the soil in your district and the (development) plans in the area. Are you connected to our heat network and would you like to know what technology we use for your home? View the information chart on MijnEteck (Dutch).
Together we make a difference!
We supply renewable heat to larger groups of customers. Not just individually, but especially collectively we can make a difference. We install an underground heat network your home will be connected to. We do this on behalf of the municipality, project developer, housing association or homeowner association (VVE). Both newly built and existing properties can be connected. In case of existing housing, we choose a logical moment to switch to renewable heat, for instance when the central gas boiler in an apartment building needs to be replaced.

Renewable heat for homeowner associations and residents' cooperatives
Are you a homeowner and part of an association or community initiative in the form of a residents’ cooperative? In that case we can help your apartment complex or neighbourhood switch from natural gas to renewable heat!