Affordable heat
Is renewable heat more expensive?
We often get asked this question. If you include all costs, such as maintenance and replacement costs, renewable heat is not more expensive. Also, by law the costs cannot exceed those for natural gas. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) sets tariffs for this every year on the basis of the Dutch Heat Act. This is based on the ‘No More Than Otherwise’ principle. According to this principle, the cost of our heat supply cannot exceed the cost for using natural gas as an energy source.
Comfortable heat
We supply sustainable heat. We charge you monthly for common standing charges and, if applicable, additonal costs based on your use.
Hot tap water
We also supply hot tap water for a large number of homes. So you can shower and wash up comfortably. You then pay for the heat you used and possible supplied water.
Pleasant cooling
Sometimes we also provide cooling to give you a pleasant climate at home. All year round.
Dutch Heat Act
Since 1 January 2014, the Dutch Heat Act applies to many of our projects. The Heat Act provides protection to everyone who receives heat from a communal heating network. Last year, the Heat Act underwent a number of changes. This resulted in the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) having to set the tariffs more specifically. In previous years there was a single tariff for heat connections. As of 2020, a distinction has been made between the three functions of heat connections:
3) a combination of space heating and hot tap water
In addition, the ACM has set tariffs for various heat interface units, where previously this was not regulated.
Online insight into charges
Our tariffs are determined at the start of a project in consultation with the project developer, contractor or housing association. Our tariffs are adjusted annually and of course they are always in line with the applicable laws and regulations. You will find your rates on the tariff sheets in MyEteck and in the Eteck App. The tariff sheets also state how the tariff sheets are indexed.
Aren’t you using MyEteck or the Eteck App yet? The online customer portal and the app not only provide insight into rates, but also give you access to your invoices and the status of payments, no matter where you are. You can also report malfunctions 24/7, notify us if you are moving and change your details.

Explanation of your monthly bill and annual statement
Every month, we charge you for the heat you use. This may include the costs for hot tap water and cooling, depending on your home. We understand that you would like to know how these rates are made up, and what exactly is shown on the invoice. Below, we will explain it to you.